Publication plan
Title: Pulse
Positioning statement: At the heart of indie
Frequency of publications: Mounthly
Price: £2.90
Distribution: Newsagents and supermarket; Gigs and concerts.
Rationale(reason for existence): I have chosen to create a indie magazine that revolves around the local area, as I think there is a gap in the market for this. My magazine is going to give review and interviews of local signed and unsigned bands that are in the Merseyside area . I will use informal language and short sentences to satisfy the target audience being teenagers to mid 30s.
Style: The style of my magazine is going to be informal as my target range is teenagers to mid 30s people. I will also use humour to attract my audience and I will be using people views on previous gigs/concerts. There will be a use of simple vocabulary, short sentences and a use of slang.
House style: Arial Rounded MT bold
Cover Lines: Arial and Arial Black
Headlines: Tahoma
Stand first: Britannic bold
Captions: Franklin Gothic heavy
Features first paragraph: Calabria
News first paragraph: Times new roman
Body text: Stand first at new paragraph
Colour scheme: Red, white and black
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